Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by Matt Smith »

To kick things off in fine style for 2012, here are a couple more lovely remixes of classic old Amiga tunes that are presently available only on YouTube.

This one's great; at first it seems to be nothing but a direct port of the music from the original Amiga version of the game, but stick with it for a few seconds and you're in for a splendid surprise. It comes from the recently-released iOS port of the venerable Dizzy adventure, remixed by none other than Mark "TDK" Knight.

And here we have two remixes for the price of one! I've long wished to hear a reworked version of the level two music from this cracking old arcade adventure romp (which curiously enough plays much like a Dizzy game, but one with extra-special knobs on), and this is an absolute belter. Plus! Before the Ruins tune kicks in, we're treated to a remixed version of the doom-laden intro music as an unheralded bonus. Pure groovesome excellence.
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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by madfiddler »

[quote="Matt Smith"]This one's great; at first it seems to be nothing but a direct port of the music from the original Amiga version of the game, but stick with it for a few seconds and you're in for a splendid surprise. It comes from the recently-released iOS port of the venerable Dizzy adventure, remixed by none other than Mark "TDK" Knight.

:) Basically there was no budget for music on iOS Dizzy, so they were going to ship with the Amiga music. I said I scrabble something together for them in my spare time. Took a weekend, and really enjoyed doing it.

If anyone wants to download the MP3, it's secretly available here :-


Maybe I should get this in to Amiga Remix really ;)
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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by Doddsy »

How about this one from Leisure Suit Larry 3 currently not on Amiga Remix. :wink:

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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by Retrodanny »

This is my first post and I just had to register here when I read this topic.

Here is another remix of Cannon Fodder which I cannot find on amigaremix.
However, there are already a few electric guitarr remixes, but this one from Von Havel has a very nice quality to it. :)

@3:26 = Epic!
... I dunno how to embed the video...

Edit: now I know :) but no need having two posts with the same video
Last edited by Retrodanny on 11/05/2012 - 8:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by Analog-X64 »

Retrodanny wrote: ... I dunno how to embed the video...

1 Copy the code after the equal sign (highlighted in red) /watch?v=Da1aqjLOjbc
2. Paste code in reply
3. select the pasted code
4. click on the "youtube" button which is located with the rest of the buttons after soundcloud.

d[-.-]b (+[___]x)d(>_<)b 52656d697836342e636f6d2073696d706c7920726f636b732120
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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by Retrodanny »

Ah of course!
When I tried experimenting I must have still left v= along with the ID. So only the ID is needed. Thanks
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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by SarahKreuz31 »

not (yet) on AmigaRemix (by Commando64)

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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by LMan »

I'm quite fond of the Giana Sisters DS remakes of Huelsbeck's classics.

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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by Matt Smith »

madfiddler wrote::) Basically there was no budget for music on iOS Dizzy, so they were going to ship with the Amiga music. I said I scrabble something together for them in my spare time. Took a weekend, and really enjoyed doing it.

If anyone wants to download the MP3, it's secretly available here :-

Zounds! How thoroughly splendid. And it's only taken me five months to spot this, too. (Cough.) Pots of thanks for posting the link, sir!

I fancy that your mp3 sounds subtly different to the version of the tune on YouTube, which I believe was nabbed directly from the game. The one you've linked to sounds clearer, and there's at least one bit (around the 55 seconds mark) where an alternative note or two is employed to neat effect. Groovy stuff indeed!
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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by Matt Smith »

Lordy, is that the time? It's been entirely too long since I last added to this list (although others have linked to all manner of nifty tunes in the meantime, which is a tremendously pleasing thing; a cheery Hurrah! to you all). And as luck would have it I've happened upon several more Amiga game-related remixes exclusive to YouTube, so here (in no particular order) they are...

Weird Dreams may have been an absolute rotter of a game to play (treacly controls a-go-go, and it's ridiculously short), but the basic premise of the thing was tremendous, the graphics were (and indeed still are) brilliant, and it opened with a fittingly strange and eerie tune composed by TV's famous David Whittaker. Several remakes of this exist on YT, but the one embedded above is my favourite because it ramps the eeriness right up to 13 and is darkly funky at the same time (eschewing the more ambient, almost romantic approach adopted by other remixers, which I personally don't think fits the piece at all), and comes complete with an utterly fantastic (and appropriately disturbing) CG-animated video.

Fire and Ice was an altogether more enjoyable platformer than Weird Dreams, and it had some lovely music all its own, as exemplified by the above remix of the wonderfully chipper theme tune from the Arctic first world. (That is, the theme tune from the first world of the standard Amiga game; the CD32 version had completely different music altogether, so quite why the CD32 box is on display in the YT vidscreen I've no idea.) It cuts out abruptly at the end, which is a shame; just start fading your volume down at around the 2:36 mark for a more pleasing conclusion.

When people remix music from Superfrog, they almost invariably opt to tackle the Egyptian theme from World Four. It's a neat little tune for sure, but why no love for the rest of Mr Brimble's work on the game? The Ice World music is completely gorgeous, yet I've never once heard anyone attempt a remake of it. Until, that is, now.

The above piece starts out in familiar territory with a rendition of the Egyptian melody, but it soon hops off merrily into remixes of the Circus, Spooky Castle and Space Station tunes, culminating with - Hurrah! - a lovely up-tempo take on the Ice World theme. It's cheeky and fun, and I think it's ace.

You know what'd be cool? A cover of the groovesome action movie-esque music from Mission 1 of the Amiga version of Lethal Weapon, played with full-on rockingness using real instruments. Hey, here's one.

Lemmings 2 is another game where only one of the multitudinous tunes contained within its code ever gets any attention (the Medieval one, natch), so just for a change here's a spiffing full-length remastering of the music that accompanied the twilight doings of the Shadow Lems, including the cheeky Impossible Mission "homage" (i.e. unapologetic rip-off) at the start. Smashing.

And finally, something a wee bit special. The Chaos Engine is, of course, one of the Top 10 Amiga games of all time with no end of stuff to recommend it, including the revolutionary-for-its-time interactive soundtrack by the late, great Richard Joseph. The man himself remixed the majority of the tunes featured in the game for a special track featured on Immortal 3 (an album of which you're doubtless all aware), which blends together the music from the menus and the first three worlds, plus assorted elements from the famous title track, to absolutely stunning effect. But the music from World Four, The Cellars, makes no appearance in the piece, and I wasn't aware of any other musicians having a crack at it until I stumbled across the YT vid above. This is a brilliant rendition of the themes heard in the last section of the game, every bit as mysterious, excitingly urgent and atmospheric as the original music, and it starts with a thoughtful tribute to Mr Joseph from the chap responsible. Excellent stuff all round!
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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by Matt Smith »

I've been wanting to update this list for a while now, so let's not beat around the musical bush. Here's a whole bunch of groovy Amiga game tune arrangements that haven’t yet made their way onto AmigaRemix, starting with a piece from one of the first ‘Miggy games I ever laid eyes on, way back in the dim and distant past of 1989…

Clowns are, of course, almost invariably horrible, but dear little Beppo from Clown-O-Mania is a rare exception to this rule. He’s an endearing wee fellow, and the game he inhabits is jolly fun too, with a thoroughly nifty soundtrack by Roman Werner. This here remix by Tobias "Moonshine Fox" Linder is based on the more dramatic of the two in-game melodies, and it’s an impressively atmospheric affair, being at once briskly perky and spookily sinister, capturing the game’s appealingly surreal vibe rather neatly. Big Top-tastic!

Pinball Fantasies has some seriously spiffy tunes attached to its four tables, and here – from the rockingly talented Laurent Roucairol of Gromix, AKA Grospixels Remixes – we have a superb rendition of the Speed Devils theme, complete with live guitars and heaps of (appropriately enough) driving energy. Va-va-vroom.

And here, also courtesy of Mr Roucairol, is a similarly splendid arrangement of the track from the third and final world of Second Samurai. The video, curiously enough, is composed entirely of shots from the Sega Mega Drive conversion, but there’s no mistaking that music – it’s an Amiga remix through and through. Huzzah!

You wouldn’t think that a banjo-only arrangement of the famously sample-heavy title theme from Xenon II would work, would you? But you’d be wrong, oh so wrong, to think that, as deftly demonstrated here by the ingenious maestro known as Banjo Guy Ollie. You really ought to check out his equally lovely renditions of the title themes from Gods and Turrican, too – and hey, here are some handy links to those very tracks. Marvellous.

I think that’s enough to be going on with for now. But there will be lots more additions to this collection of tuneful tremendousness very soon, so stay tuned, folks!
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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by LMan »

Now that banjo guy is something :D
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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by Jan Lund Thomsen »

Banjo Guy Ollie roxxor. I've been following his releases for the past year or so, and he's got a lot more stuff over on

My favorites are probably Gods and Xenon 2: Megablast (which I bought straight away), but his take on Monkey Island isn't half bad either.

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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by LMan »

Wow this sounds very close to how it sounds in the remastered game.
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Re: Ace Amiga Remixes Not on AmigaRemix

Post by Matt Smith »

LMan wrote: Now that banjo guy is something :D
He does sterling work!
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote: Banjo Guy Ollie roxxor. I've been following his releases for the past year or so, and he's got a lot more stuff over on

My favorites are probably Gods and Xenon 2: Megablast (which I bought straight away), but his take on Monkey Island isn't half bad either.
Ooo, yes, that's a corker! Good show with the Bandcamp link, too. He deserves some more sales.
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